Hamburg Teaching Award 2017

Together with Fabian Frielitz, I was awarded the Hamburg Teaching Award 2017 (Hamburger Lehrpreis 2017) for our team teaching efforts in the context of the course “Academic research and writing” (ARAW), which forms part of the degree programme “Foreign Trade / International Management (B.Sc.)” at HAW Hamburg – Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my students for the nomination: I feel deeply honoured by your sympathy.

Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to my two academic tutors Dawid Szmigielski and Serhat Akkaya as well as to our librarian Detlev Dannenberg for constantly supporting the course. You would have deserved the price as much as we do.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Rita Werner and Stephan Beier for their ongoing support of the ARAW project.

The award highlights a temporary point of culmination of a design-based research project, which started with the development of a completely new course design in 2012 and continued with the introduction of a blended learning scenario in 2014, the competency-based restructuring in 2014/15, the implementation of a dedicated website with video tutorials and the publication of a corresponding textbook and an e-book in 2016.

And yet, the ARAW story goes on. The ARAW team is preparing the next big step, which will be announced soon: Stay tuned!


Fifth AIM student poster research conference on “Risk, crisis and catastrophe management”

On Wednesday, 21 June 2017, the fifth AIM student poster research conference  took place at HAW Hamburg. 28 junior researchers enrolled in the degree programme Foreign Trade/International Management (B. Sc.) presented their research work.

The general topic of the semester was “Risk, crisis and catastrophe management”. Individual topics addressed a diverse set of aspects (e.g. country risk, kidnapping, piracy, hurricane, compliance, telemedicine, forensics and cyber crime). The instructors awarded Claudia Lange, Rebecca Sabrowsky, Antonio Petrovic and Christian Rohde with the instructor’s best poster award.

The posters were developed in the context of the course “Academic research and writing“. Coursework was organised by way of team teaching undertaken by Dr. Fabian Frielitz, our librarian Detlev Dannenberg and me as well as my student assistants Dawid Szmigielski and Serhat Akkaya.

The conference was framed by a keynote speech on “Global Existential Risks” that was delivered by Dr. Andreas Martin Lisewski, Scientific Fellow, Life Sciences & Chemistry, Jacobs University Bremen. Attendees received an insightful and entertaining presentation from the perspective of a natural scientist, which was followed by a brief discussion of selected issues.

@ Martin: Thank you very much for visiting us!

Additional information:

The teaching concept is based on blended learning and research-based learning. The course is modelled around the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Students are provided with various access points to the course contents, which can be combined or used on a standalone basis: learning videos, textbook, webinars, library excursions, tutorials, walk-in labs and poster labs support individual learning styles.

For more information on poster conferences in general see my latest article.

Workshop on “Online courses” at Universität zu Lübeck, 12 & 13 June 2017

On 12 and 13 June 2017, I held a workshop on “Online courses in higher education” at Dozierenden-Service-Center (DSC), Universität zu Lübeck. Together with seven participants, I was exploring selected facets of online teaching.

Among others, we did a card assisted brainstorming on identifying characteristics of “online courses”. It still seems to be a challenge to find a consistent idea among a group of informed participants about what characterises an “online course”. Maybe this should not come as a surprise since the term carries many connotations. Moreover, I observed that discussions tend to become more fruitful when moving away from technological aspects while approaching higher education issues (i.e. instructional design aspects).

@ Dr. Bettina Jansen-Schulz: Thank you very much for the invitation and your sympathy and support!

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