Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben. Eine Einführung aus der Perspektive der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main 2022
Available here
I am happy to announce that the e-book version of “Academic research and writing” has been published today.
It looks awesome on my Kindle and on my iPad… :-))
Christian Decker & Rita Werner
Academic research and writing. A concise introduction
iCADEMICUS, Frankfurt am Main 2016
ISBN: 978-3-9815-5862-3 (E-book)
Price: 10.99 Euro (Germany)
Today, I donated 50 copies of my new textbook to the library of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
Since I do not want my students to spend money on my textbooks, the copies will predominantly be reserved for participants of my courses on academic research and writing.
Ultimately, after a three year long design phase, our textbook on “Academic research and writing” was published today. We spent substantial time and effort in order to create a textbook that corresponds with our e-learning tutorials and forms part of a classroom-tested, fully integrated and competency-based teaching concept.
The book is available in North America and Europe.
Christian Decker & Rita Werner
Academic research and writing. A concise introduction
iCADEMICUS, Frankfurt am Main 2016
ISBN: 978-3-9815-5861-6 (Paperback)
Price: 16.90 Euro (Germany)